Friday, December 20, 2019

Christmas in 5th class!

The children were full of the festive spirit on their last day before break. They exchanged presents in Kris Kindle and had great fun eating sweets and singing Christmas songs!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Creative writing

The boys and girls did some fantastic creative writing stories and enjoyed reading them out loud to the class!

Science in a box

This week the children did an experiment to demonstrate magnetic force. They had great fun trying to get their paper clips to float!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Trip to watch Charlotte's Web

For the month of November, Ms Cullen's class had the best attendance so as a treat they were brought to Blackrock library to watch Charlotte's web as they had recently finished reading the novel. They had goodie bags with some treats and enjoyed relaxing watching the movie!

Christmas artwork and poems

The children have been getting in the festive spirit by making Christmas artwork. They have also written their own hilarious poems to Santa!


Every Wednesday the children do dancing in the hall with Saoirse.  They choreograph their own routines and will soon be good enough for the West End!

Science in a Box is back!

 The boys and girls were delighted to start back the Science in a Box program. Todays lesson focused on the respiratory system. For their ex...